Constantinople |
Smelly Tongues |
UZ JSME DOMA & RANDY Moravian Meeting
The show on this album was performed in Olomouc, Czech Republic, at the Moravian Theatre, in the year 2010. The Ceasar gallery organized a retrospective exhibition called “The Residents Residence“ in Olomouc. The exhibition contained art, constumes, masks and other artefacts of The Residents and Už Jsme Doma were asked if they could create their own versions of The Residents’ songs, and play them to support the exhibition. As Randy, the Residents’ singer, was invited for the opening and staying in Olomouc for a couple of days, it was a good opportunity to have him on one stage with Už Jsme Doma. 13 songs were chosen, partly by Miroslav Wanek and partly by Randy. Miroslav turned the original arrangements into the UJD sound with full respect to The Residents style and mood. He was able to use his own experience with this kind of work – in 1981, during the communist regime in Czechoslovakia, he discovered recordings of The Residents and covered them with the punk band he was then involved with. The Residents are an American art collective best known for their avant-garde music and multimedia works. Since their first official release, Meet the Residents in 1974, the group has released over sixty albums, numerous music videos and short films, three CD-ROM projects, and ten DVDs. They have undertaken seven major world tours and scored multiple films. Už Jsme Doma are a progressive rock band from Prague, Czech Republic, who originally formed in the Czech border town Teplice in 1985. Cited musical influences include The Residents, The Damned, Pere Ubu, Uriah Heep and the Rock in Opposition movement. The band has released eight studio albums, two live albums, a best-of package and a DVD containing live footage and a documentary film about the history of the band, which discusses its artistic significance and chronicles its dozens of lineup changes in its long career. Full tracklist: 1. Shorty's Lament 2. This Is A Man's Man's Man's World 3. Constantinople 4. Six More Miles 5. Smack Your Lips 6. Never Known Questions 7. Santa Dog 8. My Window 9. Smelly Tongues 10. The Spot 11. Death In Barstow 12. Lillie 13. Teddy. Price: € 18,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.
Was für eine VÖ! Die tschechischen Proggies UJD spielten 2010 Variationen auf und um The Residents. Und wurden dabei – sozusagen live – von Randy (The Residents) kuratiert. Kaum zu glauben, doch die Wahrheit ist noch schöner. Wenn slawisch getünchtes Remmidemmi (die Trompete!) auf gut gelebte Avantgarde trifft, platzt der Ballon. Öfter als nur einmal. So die Tschechen, neben den Residents, The Damned, Pere Ubu und Uriah Heep als wichtige Inspirationsquellen preisen, mag man sich das Spektakel vorstellen, dass dieses Moravian Meeting auszeichnet. (Amusio, June 2020)
Samt einiger später getätigter Studio-overdubs erfährt hier nämlich die US-Avantgarde ein mährisches update, den manchmal etwas sterilen Elektronik Experimenten wird frisches RiO-Blut transferiert. UJD und Randy suchten sich für die gemeinsame Show 13 Stücke aus, von Klassikern wie Constantinople oder Santa Dog über immer wieder gern gehörte Perlen wie Smack Your Lips bis zu eher abseitigen Schönheiten á la Death In Barstow (von der 1979er Babyfingers-7") oder der hier besonders genial gedeuteten (Freakshow) Lillie. Mit Gitarre, Trompete, Bass und Schlagzeug (und ohne Elektronik!) spielt man sehr munter und angenehm eigensinnig drauflos. Wodurch das Resultat ein lebendiges und wirklich hörenswertes, noch dazu sehr schick verpacktes Denkmal (Westzeit, Juni 2020)
Už Jsme Doma so se izvirnikov lotili spoštljivo, a obenem izvedbah vdahnili rockovsko navihanost. Praktično brez uporabe elektronike (na katero so se kar pretirano naslonili sami The Residents) so žgali v klasični rockovski zasedbi in vmes zarezali s pihali. Previdni so bili pri petju. Če bi zgolj oponašali kričavo hropenje, bi izpadli kot slaba karikatura. Še vedno pa je bilo njihovo petje dovolj odbito, da se prilega duhu The Residents. Kot se mu povsem prilega glas samega Randyja. Redko se zgodi, ampak tole je bolje od samih The Residents. Vsaj kar se koncertnih posnetkov tiče. (Rockorobje Magazine, June 2020)
Projects such as this can and do fail with remarkable speed, but its to arranger Miroslav Waneks credit and to the bands stunning musicianship that this one is such a success. (...) The arrangement is both faithful and innovative, a modulation accompanied by wonderful timbral surprises from the drum chair. Then, there are the wonderfully etched acoustic changes wrought on Never Known Questions as the environment is enlarged to Randys exhortations of spot the rot! Randy is in prime form throughout, especially on the emotionally charged James Brown cover This is a Mans Mans Mans world, always a moving vehicle for his moans, sobs and shrieks. (...) This is an excellently conceived and well-deserved homage from a band obviously conversant in Residents lore and syntax. While this is my introduction to Uz Jsme Domas musicianship, all evidence points to a band well worth exploring.
(Dusted Magazine, July 2020)
The Prague progressive outfit Už Jsme Doma partnered with Residents vocalist Randy Rose for this live performance back in 2010, in celebration of The Residents Residence, a retrospective hosted by The Ceasar gallery – just as obtusely heavy as youd expect. (The Moderns Blog, July 2020)
Nun stellt sich zuallerst einmal die Frage, ob es überhaupt möglich ist, die Verrücktheiten der Residents zu covern, ohne sie 1:1 nachzuspielen und somit vermutlich nur als Zweite-Hand-Kopie zu wirken. Und die Antwort lautet ganz klar: Ja! Denn was die Band hier abliefert ist ein kraftvolles Best-Of-Set der Residents, mit spannenden Arrangements und einem guten Schuss Alternative & Punk Rock. (...) Feingliedrige Arrangements, erstklassige Instrumentierungen und eine perfekte Mischung sowie die deutlich spürbare Speilfreude der Beteiligten lässt eine Stunde voller verschrobener und doch betörender Rock- und Popmusik, eben der Residents-Musik Entstehen und den Hörer eben in diese verschrobene Welt abtauchen. (Musik an sich, July 2020)
Většinu z nich přiostřují svým typickým rukopisem s kaskádovitými, razantními bicími. Taková Smelly Tongues z debutu Meet The Residents se v podání domácího kvinteta valí nekompromisně kupředu. To samé můžeme prohlásit o Death In Barstow nebo Constantinople z podobného období. Hrubost většině skladeb navíc dodává i řvaně deklamativní Randyho vokál. (Frontman, July 2020)
Der Einfluss der US-Avantgarde-Band The Residents durchdrang auch den Eisernen Vorhang. Die tschechische Punkband FPB (der Vorläufer von UJD) hatte zwei Residents-Songs mit tschechischem Text im Programm. (...) Eine schräge Trompete, Randys Gesang, und ein Avantgarde-, Punk- und Progrock Mix dominieren das Klangbild. (Ox Magazin, August 2020)
Ούτως, αποδίδονται 13 τραγούδια με τον τρόπο των UJD και την αρωγή του Randy σε διαφορετικό μάλλον, περισσότερο πανκ- ροκ ύφος. Επιλογή από τα 60 άλμπουμ των Residents μεταξύ των οποίων τα “Santa Dog”,“This Is A Man’s Man’s Man’s World” και Constantinople για να ονομάσουμε τα πιο γνωστά. (To Periodiko, October 2020)
Un eclettico e incalzante alternarsi di sound tribale, circense, caotico, psichedelico, grunge, progressive, in cui voci ipnotiche (più recitate che cantate) si bilanciano con strumenti dal tocco deciso, tra cui trombe e batteria che la fanno da padrone per quasi tutto il concept. Molte poi le variazioni sul tema che ammaliano il pubblico fino al midollo, grazie al loro effetto wow. L esperienza degli Už Jsme Doma è innegabile. C è forza esplosiva in tutto l album. Si può imparare molto dal loro modo di vivere la musica e il palco, tanto quanto dalla loro band ispiratrice. (Music Map, October 2020)
If like me you are a long time fan of The Residents work youll find great joy & wonder from Moravian Meeting, and its often very different takes on classic eyeball n top hat fare. Let us hope down the line the Residents & Už jsme doma manage to do an album of new material - as that would be most interesting to hear. (Musique Machine, January 2021)