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Sur Ses Ailes
Les Vagues A Venir


CD album | gg423
Denis Frajerman started as composer in the French experimental Band Palo Alto. With a strong interest in literature and orality as a musician, he collaborates regularly with storytellers and writers for radio sessions, oratorios, or records.
 Strongly linked to the work of Antoine Volodine, his first solo album, Les Suites Volodine was directly influenced by his writings. They both share a taste for haunting atmospheres, black humor, witchcraft. Volodine and Frajerman also worked on creations, Des Anges Mineurs, post-exotic oratorio composed for six musicians, singer, narrator, dancer and videographer and Vociférations, cantopera for eleven musicians, ordered by the Radiophonic Creation Workshops of France Culture. Frajerman is also composer of soundtracks for contemporary dance, object theater, animation, short films, documentaries and has developed in recent years as a guitarist an approach to this instrument influenced by folk music from Greece and rural blues of the southern United States. Tiphaine is Frajerman's new album, working with cello, violin, percussion and bass. Like all his works, this is somewhere between new classical, minimal and avantgarde music. Full tracklist: 1. Sur Ses Ailes 2. Les Vagues A Venir 3. Dans L'Air Absent 4. Il Y A Des Levres Et Des Ceux 5. Au Rythme D'Un Vent 6. Les Dimanches Glissandos 7. Sous Ses Ailes. Price: € 18,-/copy incl. worldwide shipping.

Immer wieder ereignen sich Momente starker Spannung, bei denen gerne in die Schatzliste filmisch-theatralischer Formen gegriffen wird. So erinnert Au rythme dun vent mit seinen expressiven Geigen, seinen Rasseln und der pochenden Perkussion fast an einen leicht osteuropäisch angehauchten Eurowestern mit Morricone-Soundtrack erinnert. Dabei lebt die Spannung auch sehr stark davon, das in den repetitiven Mustern nichts so monoton ist, wie es vordergründing scheint und immer wieder kleine Unregelmäßigkeiten ihren Raum haben.
(African Paper, November 2022)

Tiphaine on Viennese label Klanggalerie works with rhythms from the Arabic region and the Balkans. They are contrasted by the formal language of Anglo-Saxon minimal music. (...) These seven pieces are full of points of friction and contrast.
(Field Notes, December 2022)

Denis Frajerman aime composer pour les cordes et il s en donne ici à cœur joie avec ses comparses de longue date Carole Deville et Hélène Frissung. Mais le néoclassique revisité par l ex Palo Alto est toujours teinté d ambiances rêveuses, de basses cold, de dissonances étranges et de percussions mystérieusement exotiques. Ce pourrait être la bande-son idéale d un film de Béla Tarr avec ses plans-séquences enivrants et son sens de la suspension tragique.
(Obsküre, December 2022)

...una terra di nessuno tra Stravinsky e Dead Can Dance, un regno di ombre equamente suddiviso tra pace e turbamento.
(Music Map, February 2023)